Customer testimonials


We feel we are in a safe pair of hands. I'm looking forward to a long lasting relationship to take us through our transformation programmes and beyond.

David RabjohnsService Transition & Improvement Manager
NHS Supply Chain


Netix brings scalable efficiency to our organisation and as we continue to grow it’s a really important factor for us that it’s scalable and grows with us. It doesn’t come with an overhead of having to add more people into the organisation to manage growth, Netix just handles it.

Ian DorlingHead of IT


Compared to other providers, Cegedim e-business offer a really personable approach. The relationship created with your team is great. I know I can pick up the phone and speak to someone dealing with our project straightaway. We have expertise at our fingertips.

Martyn KingDirector of Chasm Limited,
Consultant for Little Moons


Michelin Europe has used Cegedim’s tax-compliant electronic invoicing solution for nine years now. Cegedim’s solution is quick and easy to set up, which our clients really appreciate, and includes first-rate tech support, which ensures timely invoicing. In this digital and paperless age, Cegedim continues to be our preferred partner to meet our tax-compliant invoicing goals by 2021.

Sandrine LaunayProcess Engineer O2C

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